
Bupa Dental Care Chepstow

Vinay Bohra

GDC - 77204 BDS Wales 2000 Dentist

Vinay takes referrals from practitioners for all aspects of implant dentistry; treatments ranging from single units to full arch restorations.

After qualifying in Wales in 2000, Vinay has been in general practice ever since. While he practices in all aspects of dentistry, he has a special interest in implantology and has been involved in the surgical placement and restoration of implants since 2000.

In this time, Vinay has successfully placed 100’s of implants and has experience of different systems, including Astra, Noble Biocare and Bio Horizon.

Vinay is experienced in all forms of oral surgery relating to implantology including sinus lifts, block bone grafting, soft tissue surgery and guided bone regeneration.

Vinay is also experienced in providing sedation, having received training from the Society for the Advancement of Anaesthesia in Dentistry. He can provide conscious sedation techniques for particularly anxious or nervous patients.

In 2014, Vinay was awarded the Faculty of General Dental Practice diploma in implant dentistry from the Royal College of Surgeons of England. The diploma involved postgraduate studies based in London and Frankfurt and Tubingen.

Vinay takes an active interest in furthering his professional development and is an active member of the Association of Dental Implantology.

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