
Bupa Dental Care Coulby Newham

Saad Al-Haboubi

GDC - 84116 Lek Dent Medical University of Białystok 1998 Dentist

Saad Al-Haboubi is a dentist with more than 20 years’ experience.

Training and qualifications

Saad finished his undergraduate training and qualified as a dentist in 1998 from Bialystok in Poland. Having completed his vocational training in Poland, he worked in a dental practice in Norfolk before moving to the North East in 2005.

Saad is passionate about further learning and continuous professional development. In 2017, he completed a diploma in Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics at King's College in London. He is currently completing a one-year course in aesthetic restorative dentistry at The Dental Education Resouce (DENTER) in Newcastle.

When not working, Saad spends time with his family and enjoys travelling.

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