
Questions and answers

Providers Online questions and answers

Providers Online is our free website that allows you to manage your relationship with us quickly and easily online. Once you register as a user, depending on your level of access, you’ll be able to:

  • submit your invoices;
  • view the payment status of your invoices;
  • download your statements.

Accessing Providers Online

Using your Providers Online account

Providers Online technical information

Checking members and pre-authorisations

  • Yes, you can, use the ‘Search members and pre-authorisations’ function in Providers Online. All you need is the patient’s last name, first name, date of birth and postcode or their Bupa Membership Number.

    Here are the steps:

    1) Select either Basic Member Search, Search with Policy Number, or Search with Pre-Auth number from the dropdown on the page.

    2) Enter the requested information and press Search.

    3) This will return the patient’s policy information, as well as allowing you to see any treatment they’ve pre-authorised with you.

    If the search doesn’t return any results and you have tried the other search methods as well, there are a couple of reasons this might happen:

    1) The patient hasn’t pre-authorised any treatment with you and needs to contact us for a new pre-authorisation or to update an existing one.

    2) The details entered are incorrect and you’ll need to ask the patient for the correct policy details.

    3) The patient doesn’t have Bupa cover.

  • You can use the ‘Search members and pre-authorisations’ function to see details of any pre-authorisations linked to your Bupa recognised hospital, clinic or healthcare professional that are less than two years old.

    Here are the steps:

    1) Select either Basic Member Search or Search with Policy Number from the dropdown on the page.

    2) Enter the requested information and press Search.

    3) This will return the patient’s policy information, as well as allowing you to see any treatment they’ve pre-authorised with you.

    If the search doesn’t return any results and you have tried the other search methods as well, there are a couple of reasons this might happen:

    1) The patient hasn’t pre-authorised any treatment with you and needs to contact us for a new pre-authorisation or to update an existing one.

    2) The details entered are incorrect and you’ll need to ask the patient for the correct policy details.

    3) The patient doesn’t have Bupa cover.

  • You can use the ‘Search members and pre-authorisations’ to see what treatment is linked to your Bupa recognised hospital, clinic or healthcare professional.

    Here are the steps:

    1) Select Search with Pre-Auth number from the dropdown on the page.

    2) Enter the requested information and press Search.

    3) This will return the patient’s policy information, as well as allowing you to see any treatment they’ve pre-authorised with you.

    If the search doesn’t return any results and you have tried the other search methods as well, there are a couple of reasons this might happen:

    1) The patient hasn’t pre-authorised any treatment with you and needs to contact us for a new pre-authorisation or to update an existing one.

    2) The details entered are incorrect and you’ll need to ask the patient for the correct policy details.

    3) The patient doesn’t have Bupa cover.

  • Use ‘Search members and pre-authorisations’ to find the pre-authorisation, then click on it to display details of the treatment. You’ll only be able to see the details if it is linked to your Bupa recognised hospital, clinic or healthcare professional.

  • You can find our Schedule of Procedures and impairment codes, as well as our separately chargeable drugs and prosthesis lists, at:

  • You might find that a patient shows as “inactive” when you've searched for them or are submitting an invoice, even their contract dates imply that their policy is still active. This happens when they end their cover midway through the policy year. Once the policy is showing “inactive”, the patient no longer has Bupa cover so you’ll need to contact them about payment.

  • Please select the forms tab in Providers Online. This will then open another window where you can choose the form you need from the dropdown. Please provide as much detail as possible so we can check whether the proposed treatment is covered by the patient’s policy. Once you’ve completed the form, press submit.

  • We appreciate that our Schedule of Procedures can’t address every potential medical situation for all Bupa patients. So we’re happy to review uplift requests where a procedure is more complex or multiple consultants operate on a patient during the same theatre session.

    Please make sure that the patient has pre-authorised the procedure before going ahead, as we’re unable to pay uplifts and two handed surgery requests for procedures that haven’t been. You can review all pre-authorisations linked to you by logging into Providers Online.

    After the surgery, please complete the Complex surgery fee uplift request form, which you can find in the forms section of Providers Online, and send us copies of the anaesthetic charts and operation notes by secure email^ to [email protected] . We’ll usually get back to you within five working days to let you know whether we can confirm an uplift. If we’re unable to do so, we’ll pay the usual fee for the procedure. You can find more information about requesting an uplift in section 8.4 of the Essential Notes of our Schedule of Procedures.


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