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Supporting child mental health delivers dividends

Helping employees to support their children’s mental health can be good for business, in both the short and long term.
As every parent knows, worry is part of the job description and poor mental health can be a focus for many families.
Research commissioned by the accountancy firm, Deloitte, shows that

Biggest worry

More than a quarter (29%) named a child’s mental health as the biggest worry and one in a hundred parents who have left their job said this was entirely down to the mental health and wellbeing of a child.

And anxiety escalates as children approach puberty and go through adolescence, and are more vulnerable to mental health problems. Anorexia, for instance, peaks between the ages of 15 and 19, but the most severe and prolonged symptoms are associated with earlier onset. 3

Early onset


Children’s mental health can have consequences for business on multiple levels. Parents may be taking time off to deal with crises, or trying to deal with the distraction of phone calls or texts from schools, caregivers or children in distress.


Dr Rebecca Rohrer, Medical Director, Bupa UK Insurance, says

“If parents are losing sleep — and many will be — this can make it more difficult to focus and concentrate on tasks at work, and also undermine their own physical and emotional wellbeing.”

“It’s also important to remember that these children and young people will soon be entering the workforce themselves.”

“Early intervention to address any mental health concerns, and embedding positive habits, can ensure they are better prepared for the world of work — and equipped to deal with the challenges this may throw at them.”

Long-term costs

However, investing in parenting programmes for families with children at risk of poor mental health can deliver savings of £15.80 for every £1 spent.7

Return on investment

The World Health Organisation estimates that the treatment .and support of mental health issues delivers a four-fold return8. While analysis by Deloitte shows that early intervention delivers the biggest benefits. 9

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