
Our mental health support

Perhaps you’re only just starting to explore a possible concern for yourself or someone close to you. Or maybe things feel really tough, and you need some mental health support right now.

Our mental health pages include lots of helpful content, such as:

  • Advice from our experts on how to look after your mental health
  • Where to have the right conversations with the right people

If you feel that your mental health is in a crisis or that you just need advice and guidance don’t hesitate to explore the helpful organisations you can turn to for mental health support

Tell me about health and wellbeing services for my business

Our fully integrated solutions are designed with your employees’ health and wellbeing in mind and can be tailored to the needs of your business.

This can include Employee Assistance Programme and mental health support, and you don’t need health insurance to access this.

'A family opening up about their mental health'

Helping someone else with mental health support

Are you worried about the mental health of someone close to you, like a loved one or a friend? They may be acting out of character, or seem to be feeling unusually low, angry or agitated a lot of the time.

Download our straightforward guide. It has helpful pointers for starting a low-pressure conversation and then taking it from there.


Find Bupa recognised mental health professionals in your area

Our Finder tool lets you browse the directory of Bupa-recognised consultants, psychologists, therapists, counsellors and other professionals.

You don't need to be a Bupa health insurance customer to see them, just make your own appointment and pay independently.

Visit Bupa finder

Two people discussing their mental health

Talking therapies for mental health

There are several talking therapies to choose from, not just counselling. These include things like CBT and family therapy.

Talking can help you to open up and explore what’s going on. It can also help you to recognise and alter any unhelpful thought or behaviour patterns.

About talking therapies

Understanding words used in mental health

The language of mental health can be confusing, with lots of words that you might not have come across before.

We believe in keeping things clear and simple. So we’ve put together an A-Z glossary to explain what some common mental health terms mean.

See the glossary (PDF, 59KB)

From the following pages, you can link through to lots of online mental health resources such as videos, podcasts, self-help tools, articles and blogs.

Supporting your mental health in the workplace

Whether you're a manager or an employee, we're here to help support your wellbeing in the workplace, whether you have a policy with us or not.

Workplace Wellbeing Hub

We’re here to help you support your team's wellbeing.

  • Discover how to implement a workplace wellbeing strategy
  • Get practical guidance on how to support your team's wellbeing, especially as they return to work
  • Use our range of guides to help support your team
  • Read our informative blog posts covering a range of topics

Workplace mental health

If you’re a manager, we can help you look after your team.

  • Learn how to set up a Wellness Action Plan
  • Improve your organisation's approach to mental health
  • Discover how to play an important role in supporting your team
  • Find out how to feel confident talking about mental health


We want to open up the conversation in your business.

  • Break the stigma attached to mental health in the workplace
  • Find out how we are encouraging businesses to open up
  • Get advice on talking about mental wellbeing with your team
  • Listen to our podcasts covering mental health in the workplace

Mental health support as part of Bupa health insurance

Any onward referrals for consultations, tests or treatment are subject to the benefits and exclusions of your cover. For example, if your cover excludes conditions you had before your cover started, we may ask for further information from your GP. Please check your guide and certificate for further details or contact us to check your eligibility.

Bupa Employee Assistance Programmes are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority or the Prudential Regulation Authority.

Bupa Employee Assistance Programmes are provided by Bupa Occupational Health Limited. Registered in England and Wales No. 631336. Registered office: 1 Angel Court, London EC2R 7HJ

Bupa health insurance is provided by Bupa Insurance Limited. Registered in England and Wales No. 3956433. Bupa Insurance Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Arranged and administered by Bupa Insurance Services Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England and Wales No. 3829851. Registered office: 1 Angel Court, London EC2R 7HJ.

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