
Bupa Dental Care Bolton, Silverwell Street

Lynne Rhodes

GDC - 61513 BDS Liverpool 1986 Dentist

Lynne qualified in dentistry in 1986 and has been working at Bupa Dental Care Bolton Silverwell Street for almost 16 years.

She ran her own Dental Practice in Blackpool for 13 years and worked alongside orthodontic specialists.

Lynne continued her professional development and took a diploma in dental acupuncture, expanding the cohort of treatments she could provide. She is currently secretary of the British Dental Acupuncture Society. Lynne has a special interest in orthodontics and dental acupuncture for aiding and treating dental conditions including anxiety, gagging, joint problems, sinus and migraine headaches and smoking cessation. Lynne has also developed her interest and skills in oral surgery which she offers on a private basis.

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