
Bupa Dental Care Longfield

Omar Dhillon

GDC - 264139 BDS (UCLan) BSc (Newcastle) PGCert (Kent) Dentist

Omar is a general dental surgeon who practises all aspects of general dentistry.

Training and qualifications

Dr Omar Dhillon qualified from the University of Central Lancashire (Preston, UK) and previously read biomedical science and business management at Newcastle University. His postgraduate dental studies include Y1 master’s in primary dental care at the University of Kent. Omar completed his foundation training in Gillingham, Medway and went on to provide private and NHS dental in the Midlands and Kent.

Omar has ambitions to work towards gaining training in sedation, implant placement and restoration.

Treatments offered

Omar is a friendly and enthusiastic general dental surgeon who practises all aspects of dentistry. He has interests in cosmetic smile makeovers including whitening, orthodontics, veneers, white fillings and composite bonding. He also provides many aspects of oral surgery and root canal treatments.

He is always keen to help and enjoys taking on new challenges and learning from his experiences. Omar strives to provide the most current treatments and techniques for his patients, regardless of the complexities of their treatment. Omar is always happy to advise and help.

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