
Lister House

Ektor Grammatopoulos

GDC - 84005 BDS Newcastle University 2004 Specialist Orthodontist

Dr Ektor Grammatopoulos has been working at Lister House since 2014, bringing an array of skills and quality teeth straightening treatments to our patients.

Ektor gained his dental degree from the University of Newcastle in 2004. Following further training in restorative dentistry, paediatric dentistry and oral and maxillofacial surgery, he qualified as a specialist orthodontist in 2010 and consultant orthodontist in 2012. He was appointed as consultant in orthodontics at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, and honorary senior specialist clinical teacher at King’s College London in 2012, remaining in the post until 2020.

Ektor’s work has been awarded a variety of distinguished national and international prizes and awards from a number of highly recognised professional societies such as the European Orthodontic Society, British Orthodontic Society, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and British Society of Dental Research, including the prestigious European Orthodontic Society W.J.B. Houston Award.

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