Thayer Street Dental Centre
Louis McArdle
GDC - 62161 BDS, MSc (Med Sci), PhD FDSRCS (Eng) Consultant and Specialist in Oral Surgery
Louis accepts referrals from fellow dental and medical colleagues for the management of patients requiring oral surgery treatment. His main areas of clinical interest and expertise include third molar management, complex dental extractions, dental implants and bone grafting, orthodontic and paediatric oral surgery, and surgical endodontics/apicectomies.
He is a conscientious dentist who is popular with both his referring dentists, as well as his patients.
Louis graduated from Glasgow University in 1987 and, for the last 25 years, has been working at Guy’s Dental Hospital. In 2008 he was appointed Consultant Oral Surgeon at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. In 1994 he gained a master’s degree in Dental Implantology. His PhD research has contributed evidence in support for prophylactic third molar removal and his work has been published extensively on this subject. His research continues to focus on third molar epidemiology and management.
He was one of the founding directors and is a past president of the British Association of Oral Surgeons. In 2002, he developed and introduced the Specialist Oral Surgery training programme at KCL/GSTT and is educational supervisor for specialist oral surgery trainees to date.
He is still heavily involved in all areas of academia, NHS dental care and private oral surgery practice.