
Bupa Dental Care Wick

Adel Sanuri

GDC - 254567 DDM Sofia 2009 Dentist

Adel studied at the Medical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, graduating from the faculty of Dental Medicine in 2009 where he was awarded a master's degree in General Dentistry and a doctorate of Dental Medicine.

Adel worked for three years in a private dental practice under the guidance of a family member with 30 years of experience. From here, he opened his own private dental business which he ran for four years before moving to the UK and joining us here at Bupa Dental Care Wick. Adel has attended a number of courses and gained additional qualifications in the fields of implant dentistry, cosmetic dentistry and prosthetic dentistry.

Adel is an experienced dentist offering our patients private care and treatment. He has a special interest in implants and is a registered Invisalign aligners provider. He takes great pride in his work and is committed to ensuring his patients are satisfied.

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