
Bupa Dental Care York - Lawrence Street

Catriona Hirst

GDC - 146410 Diploma in Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy, King’s College Hospital 2011 Dental Therapist

Catriona is a qualified dental hygienist, providing private hygiene appointments alongside an array of treatments at Bupa Dental Care Lawrence Street, York.

Training and qualifications

Catriona has been in the dentistry industry since leaving school, when she trained to become a dental nurse. Her career path took her to many different aspects of dental nursing, including community dental care, hospital roles involving orthodontics, paediatrics, sedation, cosmetic dentistry, MaxFax and dentistry within the prison service.

Catriona qualified as a dental hygienist and therapist from King’s College in 2011. Since then, she has worked at numerous private practices on Harley Street and at mixed NHS and private practices around the Greater London area. Catriona relocated to York in 2019 following the birth of her second child, and has been with Bupa Dental Care ever since.

Treatments offered

Catriona offers general dental hygiene treatments, as well as composite and amalgam fillings and teeth whitening. She particularly enjoys treating nervous and anxious patients, as well as those with dental phobias. She gains a real sense of achievement when such patients leave their appointments relieved, smiling and committed to their ongoing oral health and hygiene.

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