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Three out of five employees say their job has the biggest influence on their mental health.1

As a result, managers play a pivotal role. 69% of employees say their manager has as much impact on their mental health as their spouse.1

But middle managers — who are at the frontline of workplace wellbeing — need support, too.

Considering quitting

Emotional intelligence

Great managers

This includes skills such as:

Initiate conversations

The mental health charity, Mind, prompts the need to up-skill managers. By doing so, they would be better able to spot the signs of poor mental health and know how to start a conversation.

Mind suggests that effective managers:

Core standards

The UK Government conducted an independent review titled Thriving at work. It suggested six core standards to improve mental health at work: 6

Training and Resourcing

These goals are dependent on the training, resourcing and support that line-managers receive. It also requires a top-down culture which promotes mental wellbeing.
Mind has set out a roadmap on how to achieve this in their guide, How to implement the Thriving at Work mental health standards in your workplace. 7

Advice includes:

  • Signpost available support and peer support groups
  • Detail how your organisation supports employees experiencing poor mental health
  • Agree reasonable workloads and deadlines and include employees in workstream planning
  • Encourage employees to work sensible hours. This includes taking full lunch breaks and all annual leave
  • Undertake regular audits of employees’ wellbeing. This could be via anonymous surveys, HR data and other workplace metrics
  • Get senior leaders on board and encourage them to speak about their own mental health
  • Embed mental health in induction and training
  • Recruit mental health champions
  • Organise improvement or planning ‘away days’
  • Set up work-stream groups that bring together different parts of the organisation
  • Make effective use of internal communication channels and ‘lunch and learn’ sessions
  • Communicate board decisions to all employees
  • Enhance development opportunities through coaching, training, mentoring and job-shadowing
  • Promote a culture of teamwork, collaboration and information sharing
  • Have robust and well publicised policies on bullying and harassment

Managing absence

Tailored support

Resources and guides

2State of the Global Workplace report, Gallup, 2022 
3Workplace Wellbeing report, SilverCloud, 2022
5Mind (PDF, 0.5MB)
6Thriving at Work: The Independent Review of Mental Health and Employers, 2021 (PDF, 1.0MB)
7Mind (PDF, 0.5MB)
8Evidence for implementation of interventions to promote mental health in the workplace: a systematic scoping review protocol, 2021. DOI: 10.1186/s13643-020-01570-9

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