The Wessex Dental Specialist Centre
Michael Heffernan
GDC - 66168 BDS Lond 1990 Specialist in Prosthodontics
Michael is a specialist in prosthodontics, which is the cosmetic and functional improvement of teeth, smile and bite. His ethos is to offer a kind, gentle approach; genuinely listening to the patient’s expectations and then tailoring an appropriate plan.
Michael has always enjoyed the aesthetic and practical side of dentistry and has won several awards for his work at the Aesthetic Dentistry Smile Awards. There are very few dentists to have been awarded the coveted first prize. His wins include Interdisciplinary Smile, Single Implant Smile, Restorative Case Full Mouth & Denture Case Full Overdenture.
Michael qualified from Guy’s Hospital in 1990. He trained in the maxillofacial surgery unit for two years at Royal Surrey County Hospital and then went on to teach in the undergraduate program at the University of Sydney, becoming a clinical associate. He then enrolled in a three-year full-time master’s degree program at the University of Iowa (USA) in fixed, removable and implant retained prosthodontics. His research into aesthetic ceramic materials won first place in the research prize from the American College of Prosthodontists.
He was then awarded a scholarship at the University of Florida in a dedicated implant fellowship. In 2002, he returned to the UK to run a specialist practice in Harley Street. Michael is also on the USA Embassy list of US trained dentists for recommendation to US nationals in the UK.
Michael continues his interest in academics as well as the practical side of dentistry. He has lectured nationally and internationally on implant dentistry and has recently been involved in research with the Dental School at the University of Illinois (USA) and University of Birmingham (UK) on novel treatments for tooth decay. He writes regular dental articles for the Daily Telegraph and has featured on the BBC for his expert dental opinion.