
The Wessex Dental Specialist Centre

Michael Thomas

GDC - 65063 MSc BDS LDS RCS Assoc. FCGDent MRD RCS Cert. Ed. FICD Specialist in Prosthodontics

Michael provides fixed and removable solutions for worn, broken and missing teeth and is a GDC registered specialist in prosthodontics.

Michael qualified from the dental school at Guy's Hospital in 1989. Following six months as a dental house officer and senior house officer, he joined the Royal Naval Dental Services for a five-year commission. He then returned to London in 1997 to study a master’s programme in conservative dentistry whilst working part-time in general dental practice. In April 2000, he gained his membership in restorative dentistry of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and was registered as a specialist in prosthodontics by the General Dental Council in July 2000.

Michael is a senior specialist clinical teacher at the Faculty of Dentistry, Oral and Craniofacial Sciences at King’s College London where he teaches clinical dentistry in the dental undergraduate programmes and is the deputy programme director for the ‘Advanced Minimal Intervention’ MSc by distance learning. He also teaches and assesses for the distance learning programmes in fixed and removable prosthodontics and aesthetic dentistry.

He has previously been a board member of the Faculty of General Dental Practice at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He has been shortlisted twice for dental teacher of the year, in 2007 and 2008 and is a member of several professional organisations including The British Society of Restorative Dentistry and the Chicago Dental Society. Michael was elected a Fellow of the International College of Dentists in 2018.

At Wessex, Michael provides fixed and removable solutions for worn, broken and missing teeth. He aims to restore teeth adopting a minimum intervention approach wherever possible, to preserve existing tooth structure. Michael is also pleased to accept referrals from colleagues for the management of dental caries, snoring appliances and for assistance in planning for a variety of dental needs.

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