
Bupa Dental Care Chesterfield

Our team

Here at Bupa Dental Care Chesterfield our dedicated practice team is here to ensure that your care always comes first. We pride ourselves on our friendly and efficient nature and are always on hand to help.
Filter team members

Christos Papamargaritis

GDC - 287240 DipDS Thessaloniki 2018 Dentist

Christos PapamargaritisDentist

GDC - 287240 DipDS Thessaloniki 2018 Dentist


Georgia Blagden

GDC - 283366 BDS University of Liverpool 2019 Dentist

Georgia BlagdenDentist

GDC - 283366 BDS University of Liverpool 2019 Dentist


Hafsa Malik

GDC - 244596 BChD University of Leeds 2013 Dentist

Hafsa MalikDentist

GDC - 244596 BChD University of Leeds 2013 Dentist


Ioannis Stergiou

GDC - 270922 DipDS Athens 2016 Dentist with special interest in Orthodontics

Ioannis StergiouDentist

GDC - 270922 DipDS Athens 2016 Dentist with special interest in Orthodontics


Joanne Thomas

GDC - 80560 BDS University of Bristol 2002 Dentist

Joanne ThomasDentist

GDC - 80560 BDS University of Bristol 2002 Dentist


Kirsty Woolley

GDC - 175710 Diploma in Dental Hygiene and Therapy University of Sheffield 2014 NVQ L3 Dental Nursing & VRQ L3 Dental Nursing City & Guilds 2009 Dental Therapist

Kirsty WoolleyHygienist

GDC - 175710 Diploma in Dental Hygiene and Therapy University of Sheffield 2014 NVQ L3 Dental Nursing & VRQ L3 Dental Nursing City & Guilds 2009 Dental Therapist

Dental Nurse

Elisha Grice

GDC - 252118 Diploma in Dental Nursing Level 3 QCF City & Guilds 2014 Dental Nurse

Elisha GriceDental Nurse

GDC - 252118 Diploma in Dental Nursing Level 3 QCF City & Guilds 2014 Dental Nurse

Dental Nurse

Hannah Helliwell

GDC - 316239 Level 3 Extended Diploma in Dental Nursing City & Guilds 2024 Dental Nurse

Hannah HelliwellDental Nurse

GDC - 316239 Level 3 Extended Diploma in Dental Nursing City & Guilds 2024 Dental Nurse

Dental Nurse

Joanne Godber

GDC - 105447 National Certificate NEBDN 1999, BDA certificate in Radiography Dental Nurse

Joanne GodberDental Nurse

GDC - 105447 National Certificate NEBDN 1999, BDA certificate in Radiography Dental Nurse

Dental Nurse

Joanne Norman

GDC - 209465 NVQ L3 Dental Nursing & VRQ L3 Dental Nursing City & Guilds 2011 Dental Nurse

Joanne NormanDental Nurse

GDC - 209465 NVQ L3 Dental Nursing & VRQ L3 Dental Nursing City & Guilds 2011 Dental Nurse

Dental Nurse

Kate Dewey

GDC - 132533 National Certificate NEBDN 2000 Lead Dental Nurse

Kate DeweyDental Nurse

GDC - 132533 National Certificate NEBDN 2000 Lead Dental Nurse

Dental Nurse

Laura Robinson

Trainee Dental Nurse

Laura RobinsonDental Nurse

Trainee Dental Nurse

Dental Nurse

Rachel Purnell

GDC - 156877 National Certificate NEBDSA 1990, BDA certificate in Radiography Dental Nurse

Dental Nurse

Sidonie Herring

GDC - 251532 Diploma in Dental Nursing Level 3 QCF City & Guilds 2014 Dental Nurse

Sidonie HerringDental Nurse

GDC - 251532 Diploma in Dental Nursing Level 3 QCF City & Guilds 2014 Dental Nurse

Dental Nurse

Tracy Dawson

GDC - 127758 National Certificate NEBDSA 1994 Dental Nurse

Tracy DawsonDental Nurse

GDC - 127758 National Certificate NEBDSA 1994 Dental Nurse


Amy Turner


Amy TurnerPractice



Becky Reitz

GDC - 279909 Level 3 Diploma in Dental Nursing City & Guilds 2018 Practice Manager

Becky ReitzPractice

GDC - 279909 Level 3 Diploma in Dental Nursing City & Guilds 2018 Practice Manager


Nichola Atrill


Nichola AtrillPractice


No, orthodontics for adults is becoming more and more common. We can talk through your options with you.

We do understand that some people really struggle with dental treatment. But we have lots of ways to help put you at ease. Please just tell us how you feel and what worries you, and then we can work together to decide on the right approach.

Generally we recommend twice yearly check-ups every six months. However, this varies on a case by case basis. Your Bupa Dental Care dentist will talk to you about when and how often we need to see you.

Fillings repair small holes in your tooth enamel. If they aren’t filled, the decay will deepen. You’ll start to feel pain, and you could end up needing root canal treatment, which is much more significant and costs more. So although you might not feel pain right now, it’s best to repair these holes as soon as possible.

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Bupa Dental Care is a trading name of Oasis Dental Care Limited. Registered in England and Wales No: 00478127. Registered office: Bupa Dental Care, Vantage Office Park, Old Gloucester Road, Hambrook, Bristol, United Kingdom BS16 1GW.

Oasis Dental Care Limited has a number of trading names including Bupa Dental Care. Please see the list of our different trading names.

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