
Entrance to TDC Implant Centre, 77 Harley Street

Rebecca’s smile in a day story

Crooked smile before smile in a day implant treatment was used to create straight smile

TDC Implant Centres, based in Harley Street, Peterborough and Folkestone, were founded in 2010 by dentist Anthony Zybutz, and his brother, specialist periodontist Michael Zybutz, to help people replace loose, failing and missing teeth.

Patients often visit TDC for their award-winning smile in a day treatment, where a full set of implants and fixed teeth are placed in one day.

Speaking about the treatment, Anthony explained, “At TDC, we often see patients who are too embarrassed to smile and our aim is to restore their dental health and confidence. Patients are often emotional when they see their new smile and it’s amazing to share that moment with them.”

Rebecca completed her smile in a day, same-day dental implant treatment in late 2019 at the TDC Implant Centre in Harley Street. She now has a full set of upper and lower teeth, securely fixed on dental implants.

Rebecca’s smile in a day journey

TDC Smile in a Day patient Rebecca had been thinking about how to solve her dental problems for a very long time, and finally had her upper and lower jaw smile in a day procedure in December 2019.

Speaking about her dental health, Rebecca explained, “To be honest, I had neglected my dental hygiene over many years. I had severe gum disease and underlying infections, so my teeth were in a bit of a state. They were so loose, and I was getting very worried about losing my front teeth. I was very self-conscious about meeting people and used to avoid going out.

“It took me five years to build up the courage to do anything about it, and I thought ‘I’m not having another year like this’. I heard the TDC ad on the radio talking about smile in a day, so I decided to take the plunge. I couldn’t have gone on for much longer.”

Rebecca’s consultation with TDC

“I was so nervous going for my initial dental implant consultation, but when I got to TDC everyone was just so kind - I can’t tell you how important it was to me that they didn’t make me feel judged.

“I knew my teeth were bad, but the people at TDC didn’t make me feel embarrassed. I felt like they just wanted to help me – they are the experts, this is what they do, and they see people with problems like me all the time.

“Before I went to TDC I did quite a lot of research. Everyone says they do dental implants, but they don’t have 25 years’ experience like TDC. And the costs pretty much work out about the same. And not everyone is as kind. I’d been to a local dentist and paid £300 for a consultation and scan. They said my teeth were rotten and made me feel embarrassed.

“I was in a lot of pain from my back teeth, but they just sent me away without trying to help me. They never sent me a treatment plan and didn’t even email to see if I was ok afterwards. I just felt that they were only interested in me if I was going to pay them money.

“At TDC, it was different. When Anthony checked me at my first consultation, he could see I needed help. He knew I was worried about losing teeth when I cleaned them, or that they would come out when they took dental impressions. So, he splinted some very loose teeth together to make them more secure until I had my implants placed.”

Rebecca’s new smile

Speaking about her teeth following the procedure, Rebecca explained, “Looking in the mirror, you look really different with new teeth! My husband loves them! He loves them because he knows how unhappy I was before.

“I don’t think he realised how bad things were before I had my new teeth or how much pain I was in. And my children have asked why I didn’t have it done before – but I needed to build up the courage.

“It is life-changing. For me, having smile in a day dental implants wasn’t cosmetic, it was a medical need and I do feel so much better already. Everyone makes their own choices, but if you are going to invest in this treatment, do it at the best place possible.

“And it’s not just for older people. I’m in my forties and I think there are lots of people like me who can be helped by smile in a day. When you have bad dental problems, you often feel like people are looking at you and judging you. TDC never make you feel judged. They are the nicest people in the world.”

Could smile in a day restore your teeth, smile and confidence?

If you suffer with loose and missing teeth, or wear dentures, smile in a day could be the solution for you. Get in touch with us to book your no-obligation consultation. We also have implant centres in Folkstone and Peterborough.

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Bupa Dental Care is a trading name of Oasis Dental Care Limited. Registered in England and Wales No: 00478127. Registered office: Bupa Dental Care, Vantage Office Park, Old Gloucester Road, Hambrook, Bristol, United Kingdom BS16 1GW.

Oasis Dental Care Limited has a number of trading names including Bupa Dental Care. Please see the list of our different trading names.

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