
Maternity care and health insurance

Everything you need to know about private healthcare and pregnancy

When you’ve got a baby on the way you want to know exactly what health insurance can and can’t cover you for. Whether you’re a new customer looking for cover or you’re a current health insurance policy holder, we’ve got all the information you need to understand what you’ll be covered for during pregnancy, labour and beyond.

In most cases pregnancy, birth and post-natal care are not covered by most health insurance policies, although some may offer certain benefits depending on the circumstances. Generally the only exceptions are in relation to complications of pregnancy surrounding the health of the mother.

If you’ve already got health insurance and you become pregnant, you will not be covered for anything relating to the pregnancy, birth or post-natal care. As mentioned, there are a few exceptions to this, but they are very specific. It will not affect anything else on your policy.

As long as your illness or injury isn’t a direct result of your pregnancy then you will still be covered as you normally would.

Anything related to pregnancy, birth and post-natal care is not covered under most health insurance policies. However, it should not stop you claiming for other treatments.

Being pregnant should not have an impact on your health insurance as it is not classified as a pre-existing condition. However, in some cases it could be added as one if you’ve previously had problems during pregnancy. For example, if you needed surgery after giving birth this would be assessed to determine why and if it should be added as a pre-existing condition. In this instance, you would then be unable to claim for any treatment relating to the post-pregnancy surgery on your policy.

We cover the following treatments relating to pregnancy and childbirth;

  • miscarriage or when the foetus has died and remains with the placenta in the womb stillbirth
  • hydatidiform mole (abnormal cell growth in the womb)
  • foetus growing outside the womb (ectopic pregnancy
  • afterbirth left in the womb after delivery of the baby (retained placental membrane)
  • complications following any of the above conditions
  • eligible treatment of the member (mother) that relates to pregnancy or childbirth but only if:
    • - the treatment is required due to a flare-up of the medical condition, and
    • - the treatment is likely to lead quickly to a complete recovery or to you being restored fully to your state of health prior to the flare-up of the condition without you needing to receive prolonged treatment.

We won’t cover:

  • pregnancy, including treatment of an embryo or foetus
  • childbirth and delivery of a baby
  • termination of pregnancy, or any condition arising from termination of pregnancy.

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Terms and conditions

Families save 10% with Bupa:
10% saving applies to family cover which includes one adult or more and one or more children. The savings apply to family cover with children on their policy compared to the price of individual cover for each family member. Savings only apply to Bupa By You core insurance. We reserve the right to amend or withdraw our family rate at renewal.

Bupa health insurance is provided by Bupa Insurance Limited. Registered in England and Wales No. 3956433. Bupa Insurance Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Arranged and administered by Bupa Insurance Services Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England and Wales No. 3829851. Registered office: 1 Angel Court, London, EC2R 7HJ.

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