
How to create a ‘comfort kit’ with your child

An image of Harriet and Danielle
Specialist Nurse Advisers – Mental Health, Bupa
06 April 2023
Next review due April 2026

Life can be full of unexpected changes. If you’re a parent, you might sometimes worry about how difficult events or big changes may impact your child.

We’ve created an animation for you to watch with them. It explains how children can make their own ‘comfort kit’. This is a collection of special and favourite items that they can use whenever they feel upset. Comfort kits or ‘self-soothe’ boxes are a great tool to use with children, but anyone can make one to help provide support with difficult emotions.

adult watching a child draw

How a comfort kit works

Comfort kits contain sensory items that can help to distract, soothe or comfort children when they feel distressed. Self-soothing is a technique that can help children to manage difficult feelings, and regulate their emotions. After watching the animation below, you and your child may like to make a comfort kit together. The video below is intended for younger children.

Making your comfort kit

Comfort kits are simple to make and can be used quickly. They don’t have to be expensive either – they can often be filled with items you already have at home. It’s good to include things that have a focus on senses such as touch, smell, sight and hearing.

Here are some ideas that your child might like to put in their kit.


  • soft blanket
  • cuddly toy
  • pom poms
  • stress ball
  • fidget spinner


  • something that reminds them of you (maybe a t-shirt)
  • flowers
  • scented stickers
  • bath bombs


  • photos of favourite animals or people
  • colouring book
  • favourite book
  • kaleidoscope
  • snow globe
  • bubbles


  • headphones
  • musical instrument
  • favourite music
  • sounds from nature

Even if your child isn’t feeling upset, you might notice them playing with an item they really like – you could suggest they include this in their kit.

Using the comfort kit

Next time your child is upset or distressed, try some of these conversation starters. They can help to remind your child that the comfort kit can help to soothe them.

  • ‘I can see you’re feeling angry/upset/annoyed. Shall we get the box that you’ve made to look at this together?’
  • ‘I will get your comfort kit for you and we can work out what is making you feel this angry/upset/annoyed/worried.’
  • ‘Do you think spending some time going through your self-soothe box/comfort kit would be helpful right now?’

During times of change and uncertainty, we hope this kit can help your child to find some comfort.

We now offer GP appointments for children under 18. Find out more about our Under 18 GP Service, call us on 0330 822 3072.

An image of Harriet and Danielle
Harriet Finlayson and Danielle Panton
Specialist Nurse Advisers – Mental Health, Bupa
    • How to make a self-soothe box. Young Minds., accessed March 2023

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