
[Video] Rise and shine with our 12-minute beginners yoga routine

Nadina Moutou's profile picture
Health Adviser at Bupa UK
15 July 2024
Next review due July 2027

Thinking about trying yoga for the first time? Or perhaps you want to take a little time out from the stresses of the day ahead? This relaxing follow along yoga routine is the perfect way to start your day, and only takes 12 minutes. All you will need is a mat or towel, and some floor space.

Video yoga routine

The short morning video routine is based on hatha yoga. Unlike other more dynamic types of yoga, hatha yoga is practised at a slow, calm, pace. This makes it a great option for beginners. It takes you through a series of poses. These poses combine stretching, strength and relaxation with breathing techniques.

Yoga routine poses

The routine also aims to introduce you to the main relaxation techniques and poses used in other yoga styles. Here’s a list of the typical yoga poses that you will follow along to.

  • Prayer pose
  • Forward bend
  • Flat back
  • Plank
  • Cobra
  • Upward facing dog
  • Downward facing dog
  • Warrior poses
  • Child’s pose
  • Cat cow
  • Spinal rotation
  • Happy baby
  • Savasana


woman stretching in a yoga pose


Health benefits of yoga

Whether it’s improving your mood or strengthening your muscles, there’s plenty of evidence that yoga is good for your mind and your body.

The physical benefits of yoga include improving balance, flexibility, strength and posture, especially for people aged 60 and over.

There’s growing evidence to show that regular yoga practice may also help to prevent:

  • headaches
  • lower back pain
  • heart disease
  • high blood pressure

Mentally, yoga can promote relaxation, improve your mood and help relieve stress. It has even been used to help people with depression and anxiety. But there aren’t many studies looking at how effective this is.

How often should I do a yoga routine?

Yoga, and especially hatha yoga, is usually performed for 15 to 60 minutes, and can be done as often as you want.

Practicing yoga at least twice a week helps to strengthen all your major muscles. This counts towards UK guidelines that recommend strengthening exercises at least twice a week.


woman stretching in a yoga pose


Practicing yoga safely

Talk to your GP before practicing yoga If you’re pregnant, have high blood pressure or an injury that affects your mobility.

It’s also important to practice yoga within your own comfortable range. You can easily change the intensity of your poses and positions to fit your own needs and range of movement.

If you’re looking for more ways to do a mini-yoga session at your desk, why not give our five-minute chair yoga routine a go?

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Nadina Moutou's profile picture
Nadina Moutou
Health Adviser at Bupa UK



Marcella McEvoy, Senior Health Content Editor at Bupa UK

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