Your child's health
We’re here for you so you can be here for them
As parents we’re always looking out for our children’s health, which is why we’ll do everything we can to make them better again if they fall ill. We’ve got a whole host of useful information to help you in those stressful moments, whether you want to know more about colic or you’re worried they may have scarlet fever.
Add your children to our family health insurance and gain access to 24/7 health advice via our Anytime HealthLine, so you can speak to a trained nurse whenever you need it. We’re also here to support your child’s emotional wellbeing too, which is why you can call our Family Mental HealthLine^^ if you’re worried about your children’s mental health.
Common child illnesses
Sometimes it's often those sniffles and rashes that can cause you to worry. That's where our Anytime HealthLine comes in, giving you access to health advice from a trained nurse when you need it most. Accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, you can discuss anything you want to - whether you have questions about a prescription or your child has woken up in the night with a rash.
What is chicken pox?
Chickenpox is a highly contagious viral infection that spreads easily from person to person. It causes an itchy rash with small blisters and can make your child feel unwell. Children under 10 years are most likely to catch chickenpox, but it can affect people at any age.
The chickenpox virus is spread through the air when your child coughs or sneezes or if they touch infected surfaces or blisters. If you or your children have not had chickenpox before and someone in your household gets it, it’s very likely you’ll all catch it.
What are the symptoms of chicken pox?
The first symptoms may include:
- aching muscles
- headache
- sore throat
- feeling sick
- loss of appetite
- raised temperature (fever)
- a rash with flat or slightly raised spots, which rapidly progress to fluid-filled blisters (you'll notice them on your child's face, scalp and chest first and they may spread to their arms and legs in patches
- spots that are extremely itchy that crust over forming scabs
Top tips for caring for your child with chickenpox
- Calamine lotion and other over-the-counter lotions can help ease any itching and soothe your child’s skin.
- Be aware of mouth, nose and genital spots. These are common places for chickenpox to pop up, but not always obvious. So offering them soft foods to eat and keeping the genital area clean and dry is key.
- Use children’s paracetamol (such as Calpol) to ease their fever and pain. But avoid ibuprofen and aspirin.
- Prepare regular oatmeal baths. A handful of oats in a muslin cloth or sock submerged in the bath can help ease itchiness.
You’ll find more about chicken pox in our health information. Read more >
What is whooping cough?
Whooping cough is a bacterial infection that causes severe bouts of coughing, which can last for several weeks or months. It gets its name from the fact that some children make a ‘whoop’ sound as they draw in breath between coughing.
What are the symptoms of whooping cough?
The first symptoms are similar to a common cold. Your child may feel generally unwell with a runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, a slight fever and, a few days later, a dry cough. These symptoms usually last for about a week or two. After about a week, their cough will get worse, and they’ll probably have regular bouts of severe coughing. In between the coughing fits, they might feel quite well. They may have some of the following symptoms:
- At the end of a bout of coughing, your child may make a ‘whoop’ sound as they draw in breath.
- The coughing may be worse at night, or there might be particular things that set if off – like cold temperatures or a sudden noise.
- Your child might cough up thick mucus.
- Your child’s face may be flushed and they might suddenly start sweating.
- Your child might have a bluish-purplish tinge to their lips and skin, caused by lack of oxygen after a coughing fit.
If you or your child has symptoms of whooping cough, you should see your GP.
Treatment of whooping cough
If your child has had a cough for less than three weeks, your GP may prescribe a course of antibiotics. Antibiotics won’t usually help with your symptoms – they’ll still likely to have a cough for several weeks. But they may help to prevent the infection spreading to other people. You’ll need to keep your children off school or nursery until they’ve completed at least 48 hours of treatment with antibiotics.
Treating the symptoms
There isn’t any treatment you can take that can stop your child’s cough. This will gradually get better on its own with time. While they’re feeling unwell, the best thing you can do is to make sure your child gets lots of rest and drinks plenty of water to keep hydrated.
You’ll find more about whooping cough in our health information. Read more >
What is colic?
Colic is the term used for inconsolable, excessive crying in an otherwise healthy baby. A baby with colic can cry at any time of the day, but usually it’s worse in the late afternoon or evening.
What causes colic?
The exact reasons why some babies develop colic aren't fully understood, however it could be a result of abnormal contractions and pain within your baby’s gut. They could also have painful indigestion or wind. It may even be related to food allergies and intolerances, such as lactose.
What can I do to comfort my baby?
It can be upsetting and stressful if your baby has colic, but there are different things you can try to help soothe them. Different babies are comforted in different ways, and you may need to try a few methods to see what works best.
- Holding your baby through the crying episode.
- Playing soothing music, singing or talking to your baby.
- Making sure you give your baby plenty of attention, but without over-stimulating them if possible. Touch or rock them, walk or play with them – be sure to have plenty of eye contact too.
- Using ‘white noise’ – for example the noise from a vacuum cleaner or washing machine, or from running water.
- Making gentle motions, such as pushing your baby in their pram or rocking their crib.
- Giving your baby a warm bath – the warm water may be comforting.
- If you’re breastfeeding your baby, cutting out caffeinated drinks, cow’s milk, dairy foods, eggs and nuts.
- If you’re formula-feeding, changing to a different formula, called a hypoallergenic formula.
You’ll find more about colic in our health information. Read more >

Cover all your kids for the price of one
With our Family + offer, you can cover all your children for the price of one.
When you add more than one child under 20 years old to your policy, you'll only pay for the eldest, no matter how many children you add.†
What’s more, a family policy costs 10% less for joint cover compared to the price of separate policies for each family member.††
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Get a quote
Our family health insurance allows you to easily shape aspects of your policy to help suit the needs of you and your loved ones.
Call us
Lines are open Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm and Saturday 9am to 12.30pm.
^ We may record or monitor our calls. Lines are open Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm and Saturday 9am to 12.30pm.
Terms and conditions
† Add more than one child under 20 years old to your policy and you’ll only pay for the eldest child, no matter how many more children you add. Children aged 20 or over cannot receive free cover or count as an ‘eldest child’ for this offer. Cover must include at least two children aged 19 or under. You’ll still receive our 10% family discount if you have free child cover. Children do not have to live at the same address as the main member. This offer may change or be unavailable when you renew.
†† Families pay 10% less for a joint policy compared to the price of separate policies for each family member. Cover must include at least one adult and one or more children. Children do not have to live at the same address as the main member. This offer applies to our Bupa By You Comprehensive and Treatment and Care health insurance policies. This offer may change or be unavailable when you renew. These offers apply to our Comprehensive and Treatment and Care policies. We may remove or change these offers when you renew. See full Terms and Conditions (PDF, 0.04MB).
Anytime HealthLine is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority or the Prudential Regulation Authority.
Bupa health insurance is provided by Bupa Insurance Limited. Registered in England and Wales No. 3956433. Bupa Insurance Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Arranged and administered by Bupa Insurance Services Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England and Wales No. 3829851. Registered office: 1 Angel Court, London, EC2R 7HJ.