
Rebecca McBride and Lizzie Brown profile photos

Rebecca McBride and Lizzie Brown

Specialist Dietitians, Cromwell Hospital

Rebecca is a Specialist Dietitian at Cromwell Hospital where she works in various areas, such as respiratory, gastrointestinal surgery and neurology. She graduated from Robert Gordon University in 2012 with a BSc in Nutrition and Dietetics. She enjoys running and keeping fit, as well as travelling and spending time outdoors hiking and camping.

Lizzie is a Specialist Dietitian at Cromwell Hospital where she predominantly works in the critical care setting and with oncology outpatients receiving radiotherapy. She graduated from the University Of Otago in New Zealand with a BSc in Human Nutrition in 2011 and a Master of Dietetics in 2013. In her spare time she enjoys spending time outdoors, cooking, playing tennis and yoga.

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