Same day GP appointments
If you’re unwell and need to speak to someone quickly, you know we’ve got you covered.
See a doctor today face to face or remotely
Speak to someone when you need it
If you need prompt advice, we do our best to provide private pay as you go GP appointments on the same day or the very next day. Some appointments may be available during evenings and weekends.
In your appointment you can get private prescriptions† and, where appropriate, short-term sick notes††. Some tests and referrals are available but these may come at an extra cost. The GP will discuss these with you.
If you have a medical emergency, please don't wait for a GP appointment with us even later in the day. Call 999 or go straight to A&E.
A medical emergency includes things like:
- chest pain
- severe or sudden breathing difficulties
- suspected stroke or seizure
- bleeding heavily
Book a face-to-face or remote private GP appointment
Face-to-face GP appointments
You can choose an appointment in one of our health centres across the UK:
- 15-minute appointment - £79
- 30-minute appointment - £149
- 45-minute appointment - £174
- 60-minute appointment - £234
Remote GP appointments
We also offer online and telephone GP appointments which allow you to speak to a doctor wherever you are:
- 15-minute appointment - £59
- 30-minute appointment - £99
- 45-minute appointment - £140
GP appointments for children
Available from £59
We now offer GP appointments for infants and children under the age of 18 via our remote video service (UK wide). We also offer face-to-face appointments at most of our
Please note that these appointments cannot be booked online.
For more information or to book call
Lines are open Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, Saturday and Sunday 9am to 5pm. We may record or monitor our calls.
What people are saying about our services
“The GP was very understanding and patient and the appointment did not feel rushed. She went through all my symptoms, listened to my questions and concerns and was very thorough in her explanations of the various prescriptions available and their associated risks.”
August 2022
“Being able to speak to someone who was knowledgeable and being able to get an appointment when it was convenient for me - I felt listened to and that the Doctor cared.“
July 2022
What’s next?
Call us
For more information, or to make a booking, please call us.
Lines are open Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm and Saturday 9am to 5pm. We are closed on Sundays. We may record or monitor our calls.
^ We may record or monitor our calls.
Bupa GP appointments are only available to persons aged 18 years and older.
† The cost of the medication is not included in the plan and will need to be paid directly to the pharmacy you choose to get your medication from. Costs of medication vary.
We currently do not provide minor surgery or a dressings service and do not prescribe controlled drugs. For example, morphine medications or certain sedatives. But, we can refer you to an appropriate service for help with conditions requiring such medications.
†† Bupa clinics can only provide sick certification for a maximum of 7 days during an illness episode. The sick note that we issue is our own certificate (at present we do not issue med3 or statement of fitness for work “fit note” certificates), it is only advisory and cannot be used for Social Security or Statutory Sick Pay purposes. For further sick certification for the same health issue, customers should be advised to contact their regular GP service under which they are registered as patients.
Bupa Health Assessments and Private GP Services are provided by Bupa Occupational Health Limited. Registered in England and Wales No. 631336. Registered office: 1 Angel Court, London EC2R 7HJ
Page last reviewed: 05/08/2023