Refer a patient for private healthcare
Referring a patient for private healthcare
Whether you’re a GP, therapist or dentist, you can refer your patients to us for a wide range of healthcare services.
When to refer a patient
Your patients may ask to be referred to us because they:
- have health insurance and wish to claim for their treatment (including mental health therapy)
- want to pay for their own private treatment
- want a second opinion on their diagnosis or treatment plan from a private healthcare professional
- want a health assessment to help them make improvements to their health and lifestyle
Referral to: A consultant
Traditional named referral Traditional named referral
You give the patient a referral letter for further investigation and/or treatment with a named consultant. The patient then needs to call us to pre-authorise the consultation or treatment, and check that it’s covered by their policy. If the consultant isn’t available under their policy, we can offer them a choice of those who are or they may need to return to you. -
Direct Access† Direct Access†
For suspected cancer, mental health symptoms, and muscle, joint or bone symptoms – the patient simply calls their Bupa helpline, and depending on their policy and symptoms, they may be able to access investigations and treatment without the need for a GP referral first.
Open referral Open referral
All you need to do is determine the type of consultant the patient needs to see for further investigation and/or treatment and let the patient know the specialty of clinician they need to see.
When the patient calls us to pre-authorise the consultation or treatment, we use this information to offer them a choice of up to three recognised consultants with the clinical skills and expertise you specified. The patient can use Finder, our comprehensive online directory of recognised consultants, therapists and healthcare services across the UK, to decide who they’d prefer to see.
Some of our customers have an Open Referral health insurance policy, which means that they’ll be offered a choice of recognised consultants rather than having a consultant named on their referral letter.
Open Referral is popular because we’ll ensure that patients who follow this route see a consultant who charges within our benefit allowances. We call these consultants “fee-assured”. This means that customers won’t receive any additional unexpected surgical or anaesthetist bills for eligible treatment. The consultants we offer them also meet additional criteria for how their clinical practice and customer experience compares with other consultants in their field.
Cataract surgery
If you’re an optometrist and would like to refer your insured patient for cataract surgery, simply ask them to call : 0345 609 0111^. We’ll offer them a choice of recognised fee-assured consultants qualified to perform the surgery.
Bupa health and dental centres
Our health and dental centres are open to everyone, not just those with private health insurance.
They offer specialist treatment services including: physiotherapy and sports medicine, dental treatment, private GP services, cosmetic treatments, seasonal flu vaccinations, business or occupational health, cardiology, dermatology, urology and musculoskeletal services, health assessments and fitness assessments.
Use Finder, our online directory of healthcare professionals and healthcare services, to search for a Bupa Centre by location, or by the specialist services offered at the centre.
Cromwell Hospital
The Cromwell is a private hospital. Find out how to refer a patient or find out how to access Cromwell Direct for urgent admissions.
How to get in touch
0345 755 3333 ^
^We may record or monitor our calls
†Any onward referrals for consultations, tests or treatment are subject to the benefits and exclusions of your cover. For example, if your cover excludes conditions you had before your cover started, we may ask for further information from your GP. Please check your guide and certificate for further details or contact us to check your eligibility.
Bupa health insurance is provided by Bupa Insurance Limited. Registered in England and Wales No.3956433. Bupa Insurance Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Arranged and administered by Bupa Insurance Services Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England and Wales No. 3829851.