What health checks do you need as you get older?
As we age, it becomes even more important to look after our health and wellbeing. But it can be difficult to know how healthy we truly are. This article discusses which health checks are recommended as you get older, and why they promote healthy ageing.

Why do we need health checks as we get older?
Staying healthy is important at any age, and its normal to worry about our health as we get older.
Age can be a risk factor for many conditions, such as:
Getting regular health checks can help you to know how healthy you are. They can also show your potential risk for certain conditions. From this, you can work out if you need to make any lifestyle changes to improve or maintain your health. These might include eating a more balanced diet, doing more exercise, or taking certain vitamins or supplements.
Health checks can also spot problems in the early stages, when they may be easier to treat. This is why it’s important to attend any routine health checks and appointments.
What health checks do older adults need?
How often you need to attend a health check can depend on what the check is for and whether you have any pre-existing medical conditions. You might have specific health checks, or several tests as part of a general health assessment.
If you’re aged over 50, you should have a general health check every five years, but many people choose to have a health check annually. If you have pre-existing medical conditions, you may need to have more frequent check-ups. If you’re unsure whether you’re due a health check or think you need one, contact your GP surgery.
Below are some of the main health checks that older adults should have.
Physical Measurements
During a health assessment, a health professional will measure your height and weight. This will be used to calculate your body mass index (BMI), which tells you how healthy your body weight is for your height.
They’ll also measure your overall percentage of body fat.
As we age, we tend to have more fat and less muscle. But if you’re overweight, you may be at a higher risk of developing health conditions, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Cardiovascular health
Cardiovascular health checks are important to make sure your heart and blood vessels are healthy. There are three main tests to check your cardiovascular health.
Blood pressure
Blood pressure is the force of circulating blood on the walls of your arteries. High blood pressure (hypertension) can damage your blood vessels and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Around 7 in 10 people over 75 have high blood pressure, so it’s important to monitor this as we age.
To measure your blood pressure, a cuff will be placed around your upper arm, which then inflates. This is connected to an electric monitor which will produce your blood pressure reading.
Cholesterol is a type of fat in your blood. Having high cholesterol can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke.
Your cholesterol levels can be tested using a blood test or finger prick test.
An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a test to see how healthy your heart is. It can detect how fast your heart is beating (heart rate) and the rhythm of your heartbeat.
During an ECG, small sticky patches (electrodes) are put on your arms, legs, and chest. These are connected by wires to an ECG machine which records your hearts activity. The procedure is simple and pain-free.
Your doctor might suggest an ECG if your blood pressure or cholesterol results are abnormal.
Musculoskeletal health
The musculoskeletal (MSK) system includes our muscles, bones, and joints. Our risk of experiencing MSK problems increases in older age. This can cause pain, discomfort and sometimes disability.
During an MSK or mobility assessment, you’ll be asked to do some simple stretches and movements. These exercises will test how well you can move and how flexible your joints are. Other things may also be assessed, such as your reflexes, or the strength of your muscles.
If you have any pain or other symptoms, you’ll have a more detailed examination. You may be referred to a specialist and sent for further tests.
Cancer screening
Cancer screening looks for signs of cancer. Our cancer risk increases with age. Attending cancer screening is recommended to spot any potential signs as early as possible.
A doctor may perform a physical examination to check for early signs of cancer. Here are signs of cancer they can check with an examination.
- Prostate cancer – a doctor will gently insert a gloved finger into your rectum to examine the prostate for any abnormalities in size or shape.
- Testicular cancer – a doctor will use their fingers and thumb to gently feel your testicles, to check for any lumps.
- Breast cancer – a doctor will use their fingers to gently feel and press down on your breast tissue, to check for any lumps or abnormalities.
Your doctor may recommend you have further tests. These could include a:
- prostate specific antigen blood (PSA) test, which can assess your risk for prostate cancer
- mammogram, which x-rays your breasts for possible cancer
- stool sample (also known as a FIT test), which is a screening test for bowel cancer
Speak with your doctor about which tests you might need.
A physical exam should only ever be carried out with your consent. You can also bring someone with you to the appointment. If you feel uncomfortable or wish to stop the test you should let the doctor know.
Watch the following animation for more information on cancer screening and prevention.
Cancer can affect anyone. Being aware of potential cancer symptoms and attending screening appointments can save your life.
Finding cancer at an early stage means it's much more likely to be treatable.
The animation will show some simple checks you can do at home and explains what screening programs are available in the UK.
Checking your skin and moles
Regularly check your skin and moles for any changes. This can help detect skin cancer at an early stage.
Always get a mole checked out if it changes shape, gets bigger, changes colour or becomes darker; starts itching, crusting, flaking or bleeding.
If you notice any new lumps on your skin or sore, scaly patches, it's always best to get it checked out.
Checking your testicles
If you have testicles, you should regularly check them for any lumps or changes.
Testicular cancer is easy to treat if you find it early.
Check your testicles when you're warm and standing up. Maybe after having a shower or bath.
Roll each testicle between your thumb and finger and check for any lumps, changes in size or any swelling.
Always contact a GP if you find anything unusual or have pain in either testicle.
Checking your breasts
Checking your breasts regularly helps you know what's normal for you.
Look at each breast and nipple to check for any changes in size or shape.
This includes whether your nipple has sunken or become inverted, or if there's any fluid coming from one or both nipples.
Check your skin for any redness, rashes, dimpling or puckering.
Feel for any lumps or painful areas, use the flat part of your fingers to gently work around each breast, pressing in small circular motions.
Always, see a GP if you notice any unusual changes to your breasts.
Breast cancer screening
Screening aims to find breast cancers early when they have the best chance of being cured.
Anyone between the ages of 50 and 71 registered with the GP as female will be invited for breast screening every three years.
You'll get a letter in the post inviting you. Breast screening uses a test called mammography. This involves taking X-rays of your breasts.
Cervical screening
All people with a cervix aged 25 to 64 will be invited for cervical screening appointment every three years.
Cervical screening is commonly called a smear test and checks the health of your cervix. Your cervix is the opening to your womb from your vagina.
During your screening appointment, a small sample of cells will be taken from your cervix.
This sample is checked for certain types of human papillomavirus, which can cause changes to the cells of your cervix.
Human papillomavirus (HPV)
If these cells are found, they can be treated before they get a chance to turn into cervical cancer.
Bowel cancer screening
Bowel screening aims to find cancer early or to find changes in your bowel that could lead to cancer. UK screening programs send a bowel cancer testing kit every two years to eligible people aged between 50 and 74.
The kit comes in the post and is easy to do in the comfort of your own home.
In the kit, you'll find a small stick, which is used to collect a sample of your poo. It will come with full instructions guiding you step by step on how to collect and return your sample correctly.
There are certain symptoms to be aware of that can indicate bowel cancer, so always see your GP if you have any of the following: Bleeding from your bottom or blood in your poo; Changes in your bowel habits; Persistent pain or bloating in your tummy; Fatigue or weight loss for no apparent reason.
PSA testing for prostate cancer
A PSA test is a blood test that measures the amount of prostate specific antigen in your blood.
A raised PSA level may suggest you have a problem with your prostate, but not necessarily cancer. This is why it's not offered as part of a national screening program, but you can request one.
You may also be offered a PSA test as part of a general health check.
There are advantages and disadvantages of having a PSA test, and it's a good idea to learn more about these before deciding to have it. There are certain symptoms to be aware of that can indicate prostate cancer.
Always see a GP if you have any of the following. Problems passing urine, such as needing to go urgently or often or being unable to go at all; Blood in your urine; Pain when you wee; A urine infection.
Cancer is usually much easier to treat if it's caught early. So get to know your body and what's normal for you. Attend any screening appointments you're invited to and always see a GP if you notice any lumps, bumps or other unusual changes.
Blood tests
You may have some blood tests as part of your health check. Your blood can be tested for several things, including:
- diabetes
- high cholesterol
- anaemia
- kidney and liver function
- thyroid function
- vitamin deficiencies
If any of your blood test results are abnormal, these can be followed up with your doctor. They’ll advise you on what steps to take to improve your health.
Mental health and wellbeing
Looking after your mental health is just as important as your physical health.
During a mental health assessment, a healthcare professional may ask you some questions about your mental health, lifestyle, and sleep. This can be an informal conversation to talk through any difficulties and find out if you need support.
If you’re struggling with your mental health, tell your doctor. They may ask you some further questions or refer you to a specialist to make sure you receive the correct help.
Are you aged over 65 and wondering about your health and wellbeing? Bupa's Mature Health assessment gives an insight into your current health, as well future health risks for conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer. We also offer a year of ongoing support, with nurses on hand all day every day with our Anytime HealthLine to help you meet your health goals.
Sources Sources
- 9 Health tests that could save your life. AGE UK. Ageuk.org.uk, updated June 2024
- Franceschi C, Garagnani P, Morsiani C. et al. The Continuum of Aging and Age-Related Diseases: Common Mechanisms but Different Rates. Front. Med., 12 March 2018. Sec. Geriatric Medicine, Volume 5 - 2018 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fmed.2018.00061
- 10 tips for ageing better. AGE UK. Ageuk.org.uk, updated June 2024
- BMI calculator. Patient. Patient.info, accessed August 2024
- High blood pressure. British Heart Foundation. Bhf.org.uk, accessed July 2024
- ECG. British Heart Foundation. Bhf.org.uk, accessed July 2024
- Productive healthy ageing and musculoskeletal (MSK) health. Gov.uk, published December 2017
- Vilella RC & Reddivari AKR. Musculoskeletal Examination. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan. Updated September 2023
- Age and cancer. Cancer Research UK. Cancerresearchuk.org, reviewed November 2023
- Seeing your GP when you are worried about prostate cancer. Cancer Research UK. Cancerresearchuk.org, reviewed March 2022
- Screening for testicular cancer. Cancer Research UK. Cancerresearchuk.org, reviewed October 2021
- Breast screening. Cancer Research UK. Cancerresearchuk.org, reviewed May 2023
- Screening for prostate cancer. Cancer Research UK. Cancerresearchuk.org, reviewed April 2022
- Common blood tests NHS inform. Nhsinform.scot, accessed August 2024
- Seeking help for a mental health problem. Mind. Mind.org.uk, accessed August 2024
- Personal communication, Dr Ros Smith, Lead Physician at Bupa Health Centre Cambridge. 13 August 2024
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